Children's Gardening Tools

Gardening has long been a favorite activity of children

Children love playing in the dirt and gardening activities are favorites even in this world of video games and computers. Gardening teaches a child nutrition and science concepts. Child sized tools keep gardening fun and help prevent frustration and injury.

    • Tools are often made specifically for children, especially gloves, trowels, shovels, hand rakes, hoes, rakes, wheelbarrows and watering cans.


    • Children's garden tools often are made out of the same materials that adult tools are, wood and metal. Tools also come in varying qualities of plastic.


    • Be sure tools are right for your child's age and development. A dull plastic tool is suitable for a toddler, whereas an adult-quality hoe is appropriate for a school-age child. Always keep sharp tools out of reach of small children.

    Teach Good Habits

    • Teach your child to keep the tools clean, to use the right tool for the job and to always lay the tool with the sharp edge pointing down.


    • A quick and easy alternative to actual tools is to simply pull out some old kitchen utensils. A large metal spoon and a measuring cup can satisfy a small child's basic urge to dig in the dirt.

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